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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Long Time No Post... :)

Hi all...
How are you guys?
I agree it has been a long time since I posted something on my blog, and I have lots and lots of things I would like to share with you guys...

Right now, I'm having my final test of my first term in 8th grade, I hope I will get good marks^^... Hehehe

Anyway, while on my first term in the 8th grade, it has been GREAT! Great activities, great friends, and sooo much fun...

Many activities have been done and I enjoyed all of them... :)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hello again!!!

Hi all...
It has been a long time since I write here...
There have been sooooooo many events happened, some of them are:
1. Jubelium of my school
2. 1st Camping
3. 2nd Camping
etc. soooooo many (until I forgot... haha)

Anyway... My holiday was fun... My new year at school is fun... :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi all...
Today was the 5th day of Final Examination... So just 1 more left... hehehehe

Today's subject was Geography...
The exam was pretty hard but thank God I still could do it...
I got home at 9 today and for the rest of the day, I just played and watched TV... hehehe
Relax for one day then study again...

So that's it for now... :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi all!!!
It's the first day of June... hehehe^^

So, today still the Final Examination week...
And today's subjects was English and History...

Today I just did the exams and studied for tomorrow's exams...

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi all...
Time to write about my activities today...^^

Today, it was the first day of the Final Examination...
I have to study hard for it so I can get good marks... :)

Today's subjects were Indonesian and Religion

When I got to school, I met my friends where some of them were talking and some others were studying...
So I sat on my chair and kept on studying until my best-friend came and studied together with me...
Then something happened which was really frustrating...
My drink spilled and made all my books and other things in there wet...
But let's talk about the exams...
Then when the teacher came, we did our exams...
And thank GOD, I could do it all well...^^

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Journal

Hi guys...

What did I do on the last few days was studying...
For the last examination...
I have to study well so I can get good marks...^^

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Journal

Hi guys...

For few days... Friday, Saturday, and Sunday... I just stayed at home...
Well I did go to some places...
But other than that... I had to study at home for the Final Examination...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Journal

Last day of school before the examination...

1st and 2nd period was Literature...
We had a quiz about Kalidasa and his drama Sakuntala...

3rd and 4th period was Indonesian Language...
Today, we watched Hachiko, a movie about a loyal dog...
It was very sad, until it made me cried... :D

Then it was recess...

5th and 6th period was Science...
We continued our lesson about digestion, then continue our lesson on a new chapter about human reproduction...

7th and 8th period was Mathematics...
We had a review...

Then it was the 2nd recess...

9th period was Mandarin Language...
We discussed our last exercise...

and for the last period...
the 10th period...
it was Religion...
We had a test for the last 3 chapters...

Then after the school was over, me and my friends practiced badminton...^^
It was fun... and tiring... hehehehe^^

I had fun today...^^

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Journal

This morning... I had a stomach ache, plus, my back hurts... I don't know why...
But I still went to school as usual...
For the first 4 lessons, I was tired and sleepy because of the pain... But when the recess came and I ate, I felt much better...^^ Thank God!

So, let me tell you all what I did today at school...
For the first 2 lessons, it was English...
And we discussed about our last quiz, which was about Conditional If and Adverbs...
Then for another 2 lessons, it was Geography...
We discussed about the last chapter then we had a game... To review the material from the last chapter...
We had to make a table about Hot Desert Vegetation and Tundra Vegetation... Then from each group, we made a comparison... It was fun...^^

After recess, for 2 lessons, it was Science...
We continue our learning about Digestion...
We learnt about organs of digestion and what enzymes are present there...
Then after Science, for 2 lessons, it was Math...
We did a review about chapter 15, Volumes and Total Surface Area of a solid...
We made some exercise in a group of 4...

After the 2nd recess...
We continue our learning by Guidance and Counseling Lesson...
We did 2 tests to find out about our personality...

After school, I went home straight away...
Today I didn't practice badminton because at the morning I was sick, so I wasn't allowed to practice by my Mom...
Then at 14.45, I had a lesson in TBI - The British Institute where I learn English...

After that, I went home and at home I studied for tomorrow's tests...
And also watched some television, and other things...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Journal

I wanted to tell you all about what I did today...

As usual, today I went to school to study...

For the 1st and 2nd period, it was English lesson...
We didn't learn much because today's activity was quiz...
The quiz was about Conditional If and Adverbs... It was quite hard... hehehe^^
Then for the 3rd and 4th period, it was Physical Education...
Because at 9th of June there will be "Porak", we practiced for it...

Then it was recess...

For the 5th and 6th period, it was Geography lesson...
We studied about Grasslands and Hot Desert Vegetation... And also for reviewing that is...
And for the 7th and 8th period, it was Indonesian Language lesson...
We just discussed about some questions and later on, we did some exercises given from the teacher...

Then it was recess... Again... ^^

For the last 2 periods, it was Computer lesson... Or ICT (Information, Communication, and Technology)
We just finished our project about powerpoint...

So that was what I did at school...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mp3Raid music code

My Journal

Hi guys...

I wanted to tell you what I did today...

In Literature session, we learnt about drama...
About an Indian poet and dramatist, Kalidasa and his famous play...
Then in Religion, we continued our lesson from the last session...
On Science lesson, it was fun because we did some experiment to check if glucose and starch are present in substances...
Then in Math, we had a review about Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures...

Later on that day...
I had lesson in TBI...

Young and Old


The circle of life...
From young to old...
We will experience both...
Let me tell you something about both of them...

Still free...
Less responsibility...


Many jobs to do...
Many more responsibility...

Different attitudes...
Different clothings...
But though, both has benefits...
By being young, you still feel that you are a free person...
While you are older, you are more mature and can decide many things that young people couldn't...

So, just enjoy it... :)

My Opinion About The Poem

Space Settlement

My father was one of the first men
who mined the moon for materials
(How I loved to say their names when I was young - aluminium, titanium, iron, silicon) to make gigantic tubular wheels that weightlessly
For ever float revolving gently in the vastness of space.

When I was ten, my father came to live in this space settlement.
What joy, what unbridled pride my parents felt to be among those chosen
To be the sole saviours of the human race,
Supplying it with solar energy, essential.
As its precious stocks of oil and coal ran out.
My only brother and I, we did not doubt we would be happy here.

We were the chosen children of chosen parents.
Near the low-gravity hub of the wheel,
The sapphire swimming pool was our perpetual delight.
Diving, we fell slowly, light as winged seeds.
Performing effortlessly aerial acrobatics
No Earth-bound Olympic Champion could ever rival.
From the bottom pushing off we dived upwards, exulting.
Emerging like dolphins, frisky as flying fish.

For a year or more we never wearied of our aquatic games
Then suddenly without apparent reason, we did grow weary
Each day the same hours of reflected sunlight the same temperature each night.
Each day not even a breeze. And worst of all, no sky, no clouds,
No beast, bird, butterfly. The same dull food each day -
Wheaten bread, maize porridge, fish, rice, vegetables, soya beans.

I began to hate my new friends, even my own brother.
We were always quarrelling.
I longed for my old friends, to play the games we played.
Talk about familiar things and happenings.

Longed, longed for my former life.

Exiled for ever, I can never return.

Each night now I dream I am home again.

Albert Rowe

From the poem above, here is my opinion:

I think, this poem is great because it explains about the situation living in space, also about a son who misses his Dad who went to the space - the chosen one... Then by the time goes past, the son began to changed and he missed his friends...

Impossible Things by Living in 2025

Hi all... I want to share to you all about the "Impossible Things Happened by Living in 2025"...
This is my school project from unit 11 of the textbook...

1. We probably wouldn't be able to do our jobs, because our jobs would be taken care by the robots...
2. I think there wouldn't be a lot of plants because of the global warming...
3. There wouldn't be a lot of plants because the Earth as changed drastically...
4. There wouldn't be any traditional things...
5. There wouldn't be any old-fashioned technology because all of them has changed by the new ones...
6. Probably there would be no more land transportation because all of them are changed into more practical ones - transportation by air...
7. Probably there would be no people who walks to go somewhere, they all uses transportation...
8. There would be no ordinary houses... All of them are big, tall, buildings...

The picture below is an example what the future could be like...

Picture is taken from www.google.co.id

Monday, May 17, 2010

16th May 2010

Hi guys...^^

This is my journal for today...

1st period was FLAG CEREMONY

2nd period and 3rd period was LITERATURE
-We learnt about Drama
-The differences between Play and Role Play
- Soliloquies

4th period was RELIGION
-We learnt about Holy Baptism...

5th and 6th period was SCIENCE
-Last Friday, we had a homework where we should put white flowers into a colour solution and we did... And it turned out to be that the flower changed colour...^^ so cool!!! hahahaha
-We also learnt about Transport in Living Things...

7th and 8th period was GEOGRAPHY
-We learnt about The Benefits of Natural Vegetation in Our Daily Lives...
-We did the project in a group...

9th period was private session; the teacher with the students...
-In that period, we usually hear the announcements...
-But today, there was an additional english lesson... So we learnt about Conditional If Type 1, 2, and 3...

After I got back from school, I went home and had lunch there... Then I went to TBI to have my private lesson...
Then I went home and studied for the next day at school...^^

Saturday, May 15, 2010

15 May 2010

I just stayed at home...
I watched some movies and read a novel...
Other than that, I went to the church because I had to practice something there...

I had fun today... ^^

Friday, May 14, 2010

14th May 2010

Hi you guys...!!!

What did I do today:
I went to school...

1st and 2nd period: ENGLISH
At English lesson... We had a quiz... At the quiz... we must write a summary from the story given...

3rd and 4th period: MATHEMATICS
We learnt about Data Handling

5th and 6th period: HISTORY
We had a test about Ancient China, India, and Southeast Asia Hierarchies...

7th period: ART
Today, it was special... Why?
Because, usually, art has to be 2 periods... but today... it was just one...
We continued our project...

8th period: B.INDONESIA
We had a test...

9th and 10th period: SCIENCE
In science lesson today, we do an experiment about seeing xylem and phloem vessels in Chinese White Cabbage...

Then later on that day... I had a private lesson...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Thank you Mom, for all you have done for me...
and I am sorry if I have done many horrible things that hurt you...
I will try to be a better person...

Thank you...


Thursday, May 6, 2010

What did I do today at school...

Today, I went to school as usual...

1st and 2nd period was Literature...
And the funniest thing happened today...
Today, we did our role play in front of the teacher and being recorded...
Why was it funny??? Because my friend's group was hilarious, they acted really good and they could make other people laugh... It was really fun...^^

3rd and 4th period was Indonesian...
At the lesson, held a test... And it was hard... huhuhu :(

5th and 6th period was Science...
We still learning about Transport in Living Things...
Today, we learnt about blood types and about donating blood...

7th and 8th period was Math...
We learnt about Volumes and Surface Areas of Solids...

9th period was Mandarin...
We just review about the last exercise we had...

10th period was Religion...
Finally, I've done my practical examination...
And thank GOD, I wasn't nervous at all... hehehehe^^

After school, we should have English Club, but today there was no lesson...
So, we just played at school until 3 o'clock... hahahaha^^

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi y'all...!! :)
How you all do'in??? I hope y'all are okay... :)

Hmm.. What did I do today??
Okay, let me tell you...

At school... :
1. English: we had a quiz about reported speech... ^^

2. PE: there were some practical examination and we played basketball... ^^

3. Geography: we learnt about natural reserves... ^^

4. Indonesian: we learnt how to make a poem into prose... ^^

5. Computer: we learnt more about ThinkQuest... ^^

After those lessons, we had to go home, but there was an additional class, religion that is...
Well, it was not actually a lesson, but it was practical examination... hehehehe

-I will get my turn to present the powerpoint on Thursday...-

Later on that day, I had piano course... ^^

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mp3Raid music code

Mp3Raid music code

My Favourite Artists...

Girls Generation











3th May 2010

Hmm... May... :)

Hi again!!!

As usual, today I went to school...
And what I did... Not much different than the others... :D

1st period: WK time...

2nd and 3rd period: literature... Hmm...
we learnt about drama... :)

4th period: Religion...
Hhhhh... continuing the Practical examination...
fffiiuuuhh... I hadn't got the chance to presentate... hahahaha

5th and 6th period: SCIENCE...
We learnt about Transport in Living Things...
About blood and so on... :)

7th and 8th period: MATH
It was held a quiz... :)

9th period: definitely nothing to do...
Hahahaha,.. the school ended early... :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

English Assignment

I had an assignment from my teacher...
I had to write Reported Speech exercise from my workbook on this post... :)

English Workbook page 127:

A few days ago, Mr. Zhou asked Mrs. Zhou if she would like to go to town with him. Mrs. Zhou agreed with him except for the time, she then asked Mr. Zhou whether they could go to town not at ten but later than that. Mr. Zhou asked her wife why and she answered that there were still a lot of things to do around the house, like buying present for her son Weiwen and a pair of shoes for herself, then washing and cook lunch for Weiwen. Mr. Zhou thought that Weiwen has been spoilt by the attention given... 20 years ago, when Mr. Zhou was just a little boy, his parents had taught him to do his share of the housework, but Mrs. Zhou thought that it was a very long time ago, and now the situation has changed... And, Weiwen is a very sensitive boy, so he easily gets upset... Finally, Mr. Zhou agreed with his wife and went to town at around 11 o'clock...

Journal 29th April 2010

Hi guys...
Hi again...

New post from me... :)

Today's first subject was Literature, and I with my classmates faced a test...
Thank God, I can do it well... :)


Indonesian subject...
A very nervous moments...
Today, I did my practical examination... And I was really nervous when I stood up and went to the front of the class where I can see all my friends and the teachers...
But, it went fine... Except that my teacher said that my voice wasn't loud enough... :(

After finished with the practical examination... it was recess time...

We did some exercises on Transport in Living Things...

Physical Education:
Another practical examination... hehehehe

Mandarin Language:
We did some exercise that was given by the teacher...

Wow!!! Another practical examination...!!!
luckily, I haven't got the turn to do it.. so... I'm still relaxed...

So... that's it...
That were what I did today at school... :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Activities at School 27 April 2010

Hi all...!!!

On this post, I wanted to share to you guys what did I do today at school...
These weeks, at my school there is a practical examination activity so my friends do a lot of practical activities at school... Meanwhile the others were doing their examination, my class did study activities as usual...

1st subject : MATHEMATICS
Today, at mathematics, we learnt about Volumes and Total Surface Area of a solid...

2nd subject : ENGLISH
At english, we learnt about Reported Speech -continuing the lesson from Saturday-
And we finished it, and we had few exercises...

3rd subject : GEOGRAPHY
We continue our lesson on Climate changes and Natural Vegetation...

4th subject : INDONESIAN
Today, same with the other students, we have practical examination...
We have to presentate our trip to Singapore on the powerpoint...

5th subject : COMPUTER
We got our introduction about ThinkQuest at www.thinkquest.com
And we saw a lot of articles... :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

23rd April 2010

Finally it is Friday!!!
You know, for the last few days, it was sooooo busy at school...
there were so many assignments and tests...
And I'm happy that tomorrow is weekend... hahahaha :)

Today, after school, I had English Club...
At today's English Club activity, all the students did perform something that they had already prepared then performed it in front of class and the teachers will record it...
I did a news reading for the performance... hehehe
It was fun, and luckily, I didn't feel nervous or anything... :)

Also, the thing that made me happy today was that I can go to Gramedia to buy some new books... More specifically, comics... hahahaha :)

Because in few months there will be examination, these weeks -every saturday- there gonna be an additional lessons for me and my classmates...
So, I have to go to school tomorrow... :D
-I'll enjoy it...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today's Journal

TESTS... Homeworks...!!! A lot of it for tomorrow...

1 test
2 projects
2 homeworks...

even though it doesn't seem many, but the projects were very long so it took me a lot of time to finish it...
And I struggled to done all of it...^^

"I know I can" finish it!!! :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

20th April 2010 Journal


I wonder, what did my friends do today at school... Hmm... :)

I didn't go to school today because I had something important to do outside Bandung...

Other than that, after got back to Bandung...
Today, I had piano lesson...^^

Monday, April 19, 2010

Today's Journal


On this post, I wanted to tell you all about what things I did today...
As usual, I went to school today...

1st period: there was held a flag ceremony

2nd and 3rd period: it was time for literature lesson... but because of something, it was exchange with english lesson... no matter, it was fun anyway...^^

4th period: religion lesson...^^
we had a test... thank God... I can do it well... hehehehe^^

5th and 6th period: science lesson...^^
we learnt about active transport in living things... then we learnt about the new chapter, Transport in Living Things that is...^^

7th and 8th period: math time...!!^^
we reviewed about the last chapter then it was held a quiz... :D
then we learnt about new chapter...

9th period: WK class...
we just listened about announcement from the school and then we watched some funny slides...^^
it was really funny indeed... hahahaha

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Journal 18th April 2010

Sunday!!! hahahaha
What things I did today:
1. I went to church
2. I did my homeworks - projects, etc...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Trip to Singapore...^^

Hi again!!!^^

Now, on this post, I wanted to tell you about my trip to Singapore with my classmates… It was really fun and refreshing, we got a lot of new experiences and visit a lot of new places…^^ hehehe

6th April 2010:

Firstly, we went to Jakarta by bus at around 8 a.m. After arrived there, we searched for lunch, we ate at Hoka Hoka Bento to eat some Japanese food. Then at 13.15, the plane departed from Jakarta to Singapore. Our plane arrived at around 3.00p.m local time. Then, we went to Anglo Chinese School’s (Independent) Boarding School to drop off the boy students to place their luggage. After waiting for a while, the boys had came back and we went to Rider’s Lodge Hotel for the girls to drop of their luggage. After done with those things, we went to dinner. We ate in a nearby restaurant, the food there was not bad. After dinner, we got separated, the boys and the girls I mean. We went to our hotel and went to sleep.

7th April 2010:

First day in Singapore… Ahhh… So happy to be there…^^hehehe

We woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning, got ready for our first day learning at ACSI (Anglo Chinese School Independent), after getting ready, we had our breakfast in the hotel. After done, we went to ACSI by a mini-van. When we got there, I was impressed because ACS is a really big school and it’s beautiful… hehehe… We met the boys in front of the school, waiting for us… After we all gather together, the ceremony which they held every morning started. The ceremony included flag ceremony, morning announcements, and other things. After it done, we got divided to several class, I got a class at 2.14 with Cynthia, Wianta, and Khrisna. Our first subject was Art, and we have to paint. It was a pretty fun class, because I had fun… hehehe… Then it was recess, we should’ve eat at that time, but because we were confused, so we just walking around and got back to class… After recess, our subject was PC, it is stands for Pastoral Care and Career Guidance. And at this subject that time, it was about Trust and Support (part 2). We had to listen about other person introduction, then we write about them on a piece of paper. After PC lesson, next subject was math, and we learnt about Linear Graphs. Unfortunately, after math, there was no other subject because my class had to support the tennis team who was competing in a competition. So, me with Cynthia just walked around the school for hours until I met Ma’am Lovanka, Ma’am Hartati, and Ma’am Liani. We rested for a while, had some meal then got back to class. But, on the way, we met the other students from my school, so we went back to canteen and accompanied them. Hehehe…^^. When all of the students from my school had done their classes, we went to Orchard to go shopping, we divided our-selves into many groups and went together. After shopping, around 6p.m we went to ACS again for dinner. After dinner, the girl students took taxis to go back to the hotel.

8th April 2010:

What happened today was almost the same as yesterday, because we learnt at ACS again. Our first subject was Physical Education, but instead of watching the students did that, the girl students went with the teachers to tell stories and share. After recess, our next subject was Geography, we learnt about plantation. After Geography, there was Science, we learnt about energy: Physical and Chemical changes and a lot of other stuff. After science, it was time for my favourite subject… MUSIC… hahaha… I really had fun in that class, we discussed about Gamelan, a traditional set of music played in Indonesia… hehehe… Then, it was time for History subject, on the middle of the lesson, some boys came and sold some cotton candy, we also bought one and ate it in class… It was really delicious, and the fact that we can ate it in class was really fun… hahahaha… And the last subject for that day was Mother Language, Mandarin it is… But, sadly, I don’t understand mandarin, so me and my friends requested for an excuse to get out of class… hehehe… After being excused, we all went to the canteen and had lunch… After all of the student done with their classes, we went to Bugis Junction. Me, with Michelle, Kenny, Josef, Vania, and Priscilla went to search a store which sold cute dolls… hehehe… I bought a Stitch doll which is sooooo cute…^^ After done at the store, we just walked around the Bugis Junction until it was time to go back to ACS. We went back to ACS to had dinner, after dinner, there was a service to praise God. After the service, we went back to hotel.

9th April 2010:

Last day studying at ACS…^^

Before we went to our classes, we took some photos in front of the school… Then the ceremony started, after the ceremony, we went to our class as usual… Our first subject was Language Art (B), then Mathematics, in Math, we learnt about Standard Forms… hehehe… Then we had Language Art (A)… After Language Art (A), we had Mandarin Language Lesson again, so we were excused again… hehehehe^^… Then we had lunch, after all of us gathered, we went to Orchard again, and we got separated into groups again… Me, Michelle, Josef, Ivan, and Kenny, firstly went to 313 @ Somerset to have dinner… We ate at Marché, it was really delicious… hehehe^^… Then we walked back to Takashimaya and Lucky Plaza… We went shopping there… hehehe^^… Then we all gathered together again at 9p.m. Then we got separated to rest for a night… The boys went back to ACS, when the girls went back to the hotel…

10th April 2010:

We didn’t study at ACS anymore, so we went to Chinatown to visit a temple… Then we went to see some history about China… Then we went shopping at Chinatown… hehehe^^… After that, we had lunch at some place which I didn’t remember the name… After lunch, we went to Merlion Park, we took many pictures there, we took picture of the statue and others… Then we went to Marina Barage, where we can see the big dam which separates Singapore River and the Sea… And in the building, there was also a demo showing the way to stop the problems happened… It was amazing, and modern… hahaha^^… We also went to Science Centre and to the Omni Max Theatre… I had fun at Science Centre because I saw many incredible things which were wonderful… hehehe… And I saw a movie in Omni Max Theatre which was incredible…^^ It was about “Under the Sea” which showed how beautiful the sea is… And to prevent us from destroying it… Then after went to so many places that day, we went home… We ate at Picotin, an Italian restaurant near the hotel… hehehe^^Then we went to sleep…

11th April 2010:

What a fun day today was!!!

In the morning, we went to Botanical Garden to enjoy the environment…^^ Then after gone to Botanical Garden, we departed to Sentosa… Firstly, we went to Images of Singapore, to learn and enjoy the history of Singapore… Then, we finally went to Universal Studio Singapore…^^ Hooraaaayyy!!! Ahahaha… My group: Me, Michelle, Kenny, Ivan, and Josef firstly went to Ancient Egypt section and rode an attraction called The Revenge of the Mummy…^^ It was really fun so we rode it few times… Then we went to Jurassic Park, when we wanted to rode the Rapid Adventure, the attraction was closed because of technical difficulties… Huuuhh… What a disappointment… L L L… So, we went for lunch instead…^^ After our stomach were full because of lunch, we went to Far Far Away section where we watched Shrek Show in 4D… hehehe… It was fun… hehehe… Then we went to the gift shop… After did a little of shopping, we went to rode the jet-coaster… hehehe^^… Then we walked around the USS and did some shopping… I also bought a photo of us when we were riding the Mummy attraction… It was really fun… hahahaha^^… After done with the playing, we went shopping… I really fond of shopping there, and it was really fun to be shopping there… hahaha^^… After whole day of playing at USS, we went home and ate noodles at the hotel…^^

12th April 2010:

Last day in Singapore… hiks… hiks… L

We went to Singapore Zoo… We saw many animals there and enjoyed a SPLASH Attraction… It was really funny and great… hahahaha^^… I loved it when I saw the sealion did his tricks… It was amazing, how the animal was trained…^^ Then it was time to go back home, so we went to the airport and flew back to Jakarta… We arrived at around 4p.m. and drove back to Bandung, we arrived at SMPK 1 BPK Penabur at around 10p.m… I was really tired, but I really had fun… And I wish to have a trip like this again in the future… hahahaha^^

Thursday, April 1, 2010

1st April 2010 Journal

Hi again!!!
It's April!!
And what's today??? Hmm... That's right! April Fool's Day...
I hope you didn't get pranks... or jokes today... hehehehe^^
well.. enough for now... enjoy your day!!^^

eehh.. I haven't tell you what did I do today... hehehe
Today, I play with my best friends from my elementary school...
We sure did a lot of talking... hehehe
-told stories about each other I mean-
We went to a mall and watch a movie...
We sure did have fun... And after a long time no see... I missed them!! :)
Gladly, I met them and had fun with them today... hehehe

Monday, March 29, 2010

30th March 2010 Journal

As usual, while holidays, if I stay at home, I don't know what to do... hehehe
but, since yesterday, I didn't feel so good...
I had headache and not really fond of eating... :(
but, happily, now I feel much better...^^

Almost April Post.... wkwkwkwk^^

Wow.. Time goes fast, isn't it?
It's almost April already... hehehehe

As the other post had been written that this week it's holiday at my school...
So, I guess, this holiday, I'm just going to be at home enjoying 1 week holiday before Easter Celebration at school...
I think it's going to be so much fun...^^

Mp3Raid music code

Mp3Raid music code

Favourite Manga Character

Weekly Journal...^^

This week, it's holiday... hehehe
even though there are nothing to do while holidays, I'm still having fun...
I can watch TV, play, and online... hehehehe

Monday, March 22, 2010

Journal 23 March 2010

Today, I went to school as usual...

English: I had a reading text test..
PE: I learned to do distance jump ( I don't know whether the name is right or wrong )
Geography: I learned about Rainfall...
B.Indonesia: Continue studying about interview... We saw a movie about it...
Computer: I wrote this Journal... hahaha
And funny things happened..^^

Other things I have to do today:
1. Do my HW
2. Take a piano course

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Why friendship is really important...^^
Why friendship is really means to me...^^

Best friend is a very special person that will never be bored with you even though you did something wrong.. They will try to change you to be a better person...

A true friend will never leave her/his friend alone... They will always be with them...

Mp3Raid music code

Mp3Raid music code

Mp3Raid music code

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mp3Raid music code

Chile Earthquake 2010

At 27th February 2010, an earthquake with magnitude 8.8 stroke Chile at 03:34 a.m. local time (06:34 UTC), the earthquake lasted around 4 minutes. This earthquake was destructive, and the 2nd largest magnitude if it is compared to the 1960 Valdivia Earthquake with magnitude 9.5. The cities experienced the strongest shaking on the Mercalli intensity scale – were Talcuhuano, Arauco, Lota,Chiguayante, Cañete, Talca, Concepcion, and San Antonio (2010). The earthquake was felt in the capital Santiago at Mercalli intensity scal VIII (destructive). The tremor was felt by many Argentine cities, including Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Mendoza, and La Rioja.

Because of the earthquake, many tsunamis warning sent. The sum of the warnings were to 53 countries, and a tsunami was recorded, with amplitude of up to 2.6 metre (8 ft 6 in) high at Valparaíso. It was confirmed that at least 279 people, while the others were missing.

Seismologists estimated that the power of the earthquake, it may have shortened the length of theday by 1.26 microseconds and moved the Earth’s figure axis by 8 cm or 2.7 milliarcseconds. It also moved the entire city of Concepción 3.04 metres (10ft) to the west. The capital Santiago, moved almost by 24 centimetres (10 in) west, and even Buenos Aires, nearly 800 miles from the epicenter, shifted 3.9 centimetres (1.5 in).

The earthquake caused by the movement of 2 boundaries, those are the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate. This earthquake was characterized by a thust-faulting focal mechanism, caused by the subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath the South American Plate.

According to Associated Press Television News cameramen, there were some buildings collapsed in Santiago and there were power outages in parts of the city. A fire was reported in a chemical plant in an outskirt of Santiago and caused an evacuation of the neighbourhood. Santiago’s International Airport apparently has been destroyed because of the earthquake and the airport authority has closed off all flight for the next 24 hours from around 12:00 UTC. The Fine Arts Museum also destroyed, and also 3 hospitals in Santiago.

In Valparaíso, a tsunami wave of 1.29 m was reported. The port of Valparaíso was orderd to be closed due to the damage caused by the earthquake. The port started to resume limited operations on February 28. In Viña del Mar, a touristic city and a part of Greater Valparaíso, several buildings were damaged structurally.

A tsunami warning, first declared for Chile and Peru, and a tsunami watch for Ecuador, Colombia, Antartica, Panama, and Costa Rica. The warning was later extended to a Pacific Ocean-wide warning, covering all coastal areas on the Pacific Ocean except the west coast of the United States, British Columbia, and Alaska. Hawaiian media reported that tsunami warning sirens sounded at 6 am local time. he U.S. Tsunami Warning Center issued advisories about potential tidal waves of less than 1 m (3 ft 3 in) striking the Pacific Ocean coastline between California and most of Alaska late in the afternoon or through the evening 12 or more hours after the initial earthquake. Although the earthquake killed far fewer people than the Haitian earthquake less than 7 weeks prior, it was still devastating. The tsunami warning was cancelled for all countries except Japan and Russia in PTWC Bulletin 18 of 00:12 UTC on 28 February 2010.

In general, tsunamis tend to come in several waves, of which the first may not be the highest.

The tsunami warning included Chile, Oceania, and North America.


1. New Zealand

2. Antartica

3. Australia

4. French Polynesia

5. American Samoa

6. Philippines

7. Hawaii

North America:

1. British Columbia

2. California

3. Guerrero

example of photos of Chile Earthquake

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile_earthquake_2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Alfred Bernhard Nobel Biography

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born on 21st October 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden. He was the third son of Immanuel Nobel and Andriette Ahlsell Nobel, their oldest son was Robert Hjalmar Nobel, and their 2nd son was Ludvig Nobel.

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was Swedishchemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite.

In the year of Alfred’s birth however, the construction business went bankrupt. Seeing nothing left for him in Sweden, Immanuel and his family moved to St. Petersburg in Russia, where a factory was set up, making mines out of gunpowder, for use by the Russian Army during the Crimean War. The demand for this product was high, the business was booming and Alfred Nobel and the other children received an excellent private education whilst in Russia. His father also insisted that he travel the world during his education, and by the age of seventeen, he was fluent in five different languages.

After having been educated in chemical engineering, Alfred Nobel returned to St. Petersburg to try and develop a safe way of handling the highly volatile liquid nitro-glycerine, which had recently been invented.

But back in Sweden, an explosion occurred involving nitro-glycerine resulted in the death of his brother, Emil. (3 September 1864)

In 1867 he patented the product, calling it dynamite. It was five times more powerful than ordinary gunpowder, and so very quickly became a sought after commodity in the world of mining and construction. Dynamite was used the world over, for work such as blasting the Alpine Tunnel on the St. Gotthard rail line and cutting the Corinth Canal in Greece.

These things were invented by Alfred Bernhard Nobel:

1. Dynamite 1866, he received the patent in 1867 Dynamite 1866, he received the patent in 1867

2. Firing Rubber (cotton powder dissolved in black), almost risk-free for transporting and handling firing Rubber (cotton powder dissolved in black), almost risk free for the transport and action

3. Firing Gelatin 1875 Blasting Gelatine 1875

4. Ballistit, noble gunpowder in 1887 (one was vague gunpowder, composed of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin in equal parts) Ballistit, noble Gunpowder in 1887 (one was vague Gunpowder, composed of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin in equal parts)

Alfred Bernhard Nobel died on 10th December 1896 in Sanremo, Italy when he was 63 years old.

Five years after his death, the first Nobel awards were handed out. In 1901 for physics, chemistry, hysiology or medicine, literature, and peace.

1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Nobel#The_Prizes
2. http://www.essortment.com/all/alfrednobel_rbki.htm
3. http://nobelliterature.com/history/alfrednobel.html
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nobel_Prize