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Friday, April 16, 2010

Trip to Singapore...^^

Hi again!!!^^

Now, on this post, I wanted to tell you about my trip to Singapore with my classmates… It was really fun and refreshing, we got a lot of new experiences and visit a lot of new places…^^ hehehe

6th April 2010:

Firstly, we went to Jakarta by bus at around 8 a.m. After arrived there, we searched for lunch, we ate at Hoka Hoka Bento to eat some Japanese food. Then at 13.15, the plane departed from Jakarta to Singapore. Our plane arrived at around 3.00p.m local time. Then, we went to Anglo Chinese School’s (Independent) Boarding School to drop off the boy students to place their luggage. After waiting for a while, the boys had came back and we went to Rider’s Lodge Hotel for the girls to drop of their luggage. After done with those things, we went to dinner. We ate in a nearby restaurant, the food there was not bad. After dinner, we got separated, the boys and the girls I mean. We went to our hotel and went to sleep.

7th April 2010:

First day in Singapore… Ahhh… So happy to be there…^^hehehe

We woke up at 5 o’clock in the morning, got ready for our first day learning at ACSI (Anglo Chinese School Independent), after getting ready, we had our breakfast in the hotel. After done, we went to ACSI by a mini-van. When we got there, I was impressed because ACS is a really big school and it’s beautiful… hehehe… We met the boys in front of the school, waiting for us… After we all gather together, the ceremony which they held every morning started. The ceremony included flag ceremony, morning announcements, and other things. After it done, we got divided to several class, I got a class at 2.14 with Cynthia, Wianta, and Khrisna. Our first subject was Art, and we have to paint. It was a pretty fun class, because I had fun… hehehe… Then it was recess, we should’ve eat at that time, but because we were confused, so we just walking around and got back to class… After recess, our subject was PC, it is stands for Pastoral Care and Career Guidance. And at this subject that time, it was about Trust and Support (part 2). We had to listen about other person introduction, then we write about them on a piece of paper. After PC lesson, next subject was math, and we learnt about Linear Graphs. Unfortunately, after math, there was no other subject because my class had to support the tennis team who was competing in a competition. So, me with Cynthia just walked around the school for hours until I met Ma’am Lovanka, Ma’am Hartati, and Ma’am Liani. We rested for a while, had some meal then got back to class. But, on the way, we met the other students from my school, so we went back to canteen and accompanied them. Hehehe…^^. When all of the students from my school had done their classes, we went to Orchard to go shopping, we divided our-selves into many groups and went together. After shopping, around 6p.m we went to ACS again for dinner. After dinner, the girl students took taxis to go back to the hotel.

8th April 2010:

What happened today was almost the same as yesterday, because we learnt at ACS again. Our first subject was Physical Education, but instead of watching the students did that, the girl students went with the teachers to tell stories and share. After recess, our next subject was Geography, we learnt about plantation. After Geography, there was Science, we learnt about energy: Physical and Chemical changes and a lot of other stuff. After science, it was time for my favourite subject… MUSIC… hahaha… I really had fun in that class, we discussed about Gamelan, a traditional set of music played in Indonesia… hehehe… Then, it was time for History subject, on the middle of the lesson, some boys came and sold some cotton candy, we also bought one and ate it in class… It was really delicious, and the fact that we can ate it in class was really fun… hahahaha… And the last subject for that day was Mother Language, Mandarin it is… But, sadly, I don’t understand mandarin, so me and my friends requested for an excuse to get out of class… hehehe… After being excused, we all went to the canteen and had lunch… After all of the student done with their classes, we went to Bugis Junction. Me, with Michelle, Kenny, Josef, Vania, and Priscilla went to search a store which sold cute dolls… hehehe… I bought a Stitch doll which is sooooo cute…^^ After done at the store, we just walked around the Bugis Junction until it was time to go back to ACS. We went back to ACS to had dinner, after dinner, there was a service to praise God. After the service, we went back to hotel.

9th April 2010:

Last day studying at ACS…^^

Before we went to our classes, we took some photos in front of the school… Then the ceremony started, after the ceremony, we went to our class as usual… Our first subject was Language Art (B), then Mathematics, in Math, we learnt about Standard Forms… hehehe… Then we had Language Art (A)… After Language Art (A), we had Mandarin Language Lesson again, so we were excused again… hehehehe^^… Then we had lunch, after all of us gathered, we went to Orchard again, and we got separated into groups again… Me, Michelle, Josef, Ivan, and Kenny, firstly went to 313 @ Somerset to have dinner… We ate at MarchĂ©, it was really delicious… hehehe^^… Then we walked back to Takashimaya and Lucky Plaza… We went shopping there… hehehe^^… Then we all gathered together again at 9p.m. Then we got separated to rest for a night… The boys went back to ACS, when the girls went back to the hotel…

10th April 2010:

We didn’t study at ACS anymore, so we went to Chinatown to visit a temple… Then we went to see some history about China… Then we went shopping at Chinatown… hehehe^^… After that, we had lunch at some place which I didn’t remember the name… After lunch, we went to Merlion Park, we took many pictures there, we took picture of the statue and others… Then we went to Marina Barage, where we can see the big dam which separates Singapore River and the Sea… And in the building, there was also a demo showing the way to stop the problems happened… It was amazing, and modern… hahaha^^… We also went to Science Centre and to the Omni Max Theatre… I had fun at Science Centre because I saw many incredible things which were wonderful… hehehe… And I saw a movie in Omni Max Theatre which was incredible…^^ It was about “Under the Sea” which showed how beautiful the sea is… And to prevent us from destroying it… Then after went to so many places that day, we went home… We ate at Picotin, an Italian restaurant near the hotel… hehehe^^Then we went to sleep…

11th April 2010:

What a fun day today was!!!

In the morning, we went to Botanical Garden to enjoy the environment…^^ Then after gone to Botanical Garden, we departed to Sentosa… Firstly, we went to Images of Singapore, to learn and enjoy the history of Singapore… Then, we finally went to Universal Studio Singapore…^^ Hooraaaayyy!!! Ahahaha… My group: Me, Michelle, Kenny, Ivan, and Josef firstly went to Ancient Egypt section and rode an attraction called The Revenge of the Mummy…^^ It was really fun so we rode it few times… Then we went to Jurassic Park, when we wanted to rode the Rapid Adventure, the attraction was closed because of technical difficulties… Huuuhh… What a disappointment… L L L… So, we went for lunch instead…^^ After our stomach were full because of lunch, we went to Far Far Away section where we watched Shrek Show in 4D… hehehe… It was fun… hehehe… Then we went to the gift shop… After did a little of shopping, we went to rode the jet-coaster… hehehe^^… Then we walked around the USS and did some shopping… I also bought a photo of us when we were riding the Mummy attraction… It was really fun… hahahaha^^… After done with the playing, we went shopping… I really fond of shopping there, and it was really fun to be shopping there… hahaha^^… After whole day of playing at USS, we went home and ate noodles at the hotel…^^

12th April 2010:

Last day in Singapore… hiks… hiks… L

We went to Singapore Zoo… We saw many animals there and enjoyed a SPLASH Attraction… It was really funny and great… hahahaha^^… I loved it when I saw the sealion did his tricks… It was amazing, how the animal was trained…^^ Then it was time to go back home, so we went to the airport and flew back to Jakarta… We arrived at around 4p.m. and drove back to Bandung, we arrived at SMPK 1 BPK Penabur at around 10p.m… I was really tired, but I really had fun… And I wish to have a trip like this again in the future… hahahaha^^


Anonymous said...

Very Interesting!
Thank You!

Monique Gabrielle said...

You're welcome...
Glad you liked it... :)