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Friday, April 23, 2010

23rd April 2010

Finally it is Friday!!!
You know, for the last few days, it was sooooo busy at school...
there were so many assignments and tests...
And I'm happy that tomorrow is weekend... hahahaha :)

Today, after school, I had English Club...
At today's English Club activity, all the students did perform something that they had already prepared then performed it in front of class and the teachers will record it...
I did a news reading for the performance... hehehe
It was fun, and luckily, I didn't feel nervous or anything... :)

Also, the thing that made me happy today was that I can go to Gramedia to buy some new books... More specifically, comics... hahahaha :)

Because in few months there will be examination, these weeks -every saturday- there gonna be an additional lessons for me and my classmates...
So, I have to go to school tomorrow... :D
-I'll enjoy it...

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