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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Journal

This morning... I had a stomach ache, plus, my back hurts... I don't know why...
But I still went to school as usual...
For the first 4 lessons, I was tired and sleepy because of the pain... But when the recess came and I ate, I felt much better...^^ Thank God!

So, let me tell you all what I did today at school...
For the first 2 lessons, it was English...
And we discussed about our last quiz, which was about Conditional If and Adverbs...
Then for another 2 lessons, it was Geography...
We discussed about the last chapter then we had a game... To review the material from the last chapter...
We had to make a table about Hot Desert Vegetation and Tundra Vegetation... Then from each group, we made a comparison... It was fun...^^

After recess, for 2 lessons, it was Science...
We continue our learning about Digestion...
We learnt about organs of digestion and what enzymes are present there...
Then after Science, for 2 lessons, it was Math...
We did a review about chapter 15, Volumes and Total Surface Area of a solid...
We made some exercise in a group of 4...

After the 2nd recess...
We continue our learning by Guidance and Counseling Lesson...
We did 2 tests to find out about our personality...

After school, I went home straight away...
Today I didn't practice badminton because at the morning I was sick, so I wasn't allowed to practice by my Mom...
Then at 14.45, I had a lesson in TBI - The British Institute where I learn English...

After that, I went home and at home I studied for tomorrow's tests...
And also watched some television, and other things...

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