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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi y'all...!! :)
How you all do'in??? I hope y'all are okay... :)

Hmm.. What did I do today??
Okay, let me tell you...

At school... :
1. English: we had a quiz about reported speech... ^^

2. PE: there were some practical examination and we played basketball... ^^

3. Geography: we learnt about natural reserves... ^^

4. Indonesian: we learnt how to make a poem into prose... ^^

5. Computer: we learnt more about ThinkQuest... ^^

After those lessons, we had to go home, but there was an additional class, religion that is...
Well, it was not actually a lesson, but it was practical examination... hehehehe

-I will get my turn to present the powerpoint on Thursday...-

Later on that day, I had piano course... ^^

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