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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi all...
Time to write about my activities today...^^

Today, it was the first day of the Final Examination...
I have to study hard for it so I can get good marks... :)

Today's subjects were Indonesian and Religion

When I got to school, I met my friends where some of them were talking and some others were studying...
So I sat on my chair and kept on studying until my best-friend came and studied together with me...
Then something happened which was really frustrating...
My drink spilled and made all my books and other things in there wet...
But let's talk about the exams...
Then when the teacher came, we did our exams...
And thank GOD, I could do it all well...^^

Saturday, May 29, 2010

My Journal

Hi guys...

What did I do on the last few days was studying...
For the last examination...
I have to study well so I can get good marks...^^

Friday, May 28, 2010

My Journal

Hi guys...

For few days... Friday, Saturday, and Sunday... I just stayed at home...
Well I did go to some places...
But other than that... I had to study at home for the Final Examination...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Journal

Last day of school before the examination...

1st and 2nd period was Literature...
We had a quiz about Kalidasa and his drama Sakuntala...

3rd and 4th period was Indonesian Language...
Today, we watched Hachiko, a movie about a loyal dog...
It was very sad, until it made me cried... :D

Then it was recess...

5th and 6th period was Science...
We continued our lesson about digestion, then continue our lesson on a new chapter about human reproduction...

7th and 8th period was Mathematics...
We had a review...

Then it was the 2nd recess...

9th period was Mandarin Language...
We discussed our last exercise...

and for the last period...
the 10th period...
it was Religion...
We had a test for the last 3 chapters...

Then after the school was over, me and my friends practiced badminton...^^
It was fun... and tiring... hehehehe^^

I had fun today...^^

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Journal

This morning... I had a stomach ache, plus, my back hurts... I don't know why...
But I still went to school as usual...
For the first 4 lessons, I was tired and sleepy because of the pain... But when the recess came and I ate, I felt much better...^^ Thank God!

So, let me tell you all what I did today at school...
For the first 2 lessons, it was English...
And we discussed about our last quiz, which was about Conditional If and Adverbs...
Then for another 2 lessons, it was Geography...
We discussed about the last chapter then we had a game... To review the material from the last chapter...
We had to make a table about Hot Desert Vegetation and Tundra Vegetation... Then from each group, we made a comparison... It was fun...^^

After recess, for 2 lessons, it was Science...
We continue our learning about Digestion...
We learnt about organs of digestion and what enzymes are present there...
Then after Science, for 2 lessons, it was Math...
We did a review about chapter 15, Volumes and Total Surface Area of a solid...
We made some exercise in a group of 4...

After the 2nd recess...
We continue our learning by Guidance and Counseling Lesson...
We did 2 tests to find out about our personality...

After school, I went home straight away...
Today I didn't practice badminton because at the morning I was sick, so I wasn't allowed to practice by my Mom...
Then at 14.45, I had a lesson in TBI - The British Institute where I learn English...

After that, I went home and at home I studied for tomorrow's tests...
And also watched some television, and other things...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Journal

I wanted to tell you all about what I did today...

As usual, today I went to school to study...

For the 1st and 2nd period, it was English lesson...
We didn't learn much because today's activity was quiz...
The quiz was about Conditional If and Adverbs... It was quite hard... hehehe^^
Then for the 3rd and 4th period, it was Physical Education...
Because at 9th of June there will be "Porak", we practiced for it...

Then it was recess...

For the 5th and 6th period, it was Geography lesson...
We studied about Grasslands and Hot Desert Vegetation... And also for reviewing that is...
And for the 7th and 8th period, it was Indonesian Language lesson...
We just discussed about some questions and later on, we did some exercises given from the teacher...

Then it was recess... Again... ^^

For the last 2 periods, it was Computer lesson... Or ICT (Information, Communication, and Technology)
We just finished our project about powerpoint...

So that was what I did at school...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mp3Raid music code

My Journal

Hi guys...

I wanted to tell you what I did today...

In Literature session, we learnt about drama...
About an Indian poet and dramatist, Kalidasa and his famous play...
Then in Religion, we continued our lesson from the last session...
On Science lesson, it was fun because we did some experiment to check if glucose and starch are present in substances...
Then in Math, we had a review about Perimeter and Area of Plane Figures...

Later on that day...
I had lesson in TBI...

Young and Old


The circle of life...
From young to old...
We will experience both...
Let me tell you something about both of them...

Still free...
Less responsibility...


Many jobs to do...
Many more responsibility...

Different attitudes...
Different clothings...
But though, both has benefits...
By being young, you still feel that you are a free person...
While you are older, you are more mature and can decide many things that young people couldn't...

So, just enjoy it... :)

My Opinion About The Poem

Space Settlement

My father was one of the first men
who mined the moon for materials
(How I loved to say their names when I was young - aluminium, titanium, iron, silicon) to make gigantic tubular wheels that weightlessly
For ever float revolving gently in the vastness of space.

When I was ten, my father came to live in this space settlement.
What joy, what unbridled pride my parents felt to be among those chosen
To be the sole saviours of the human race,
Supplying it with solar energy, essential.
As its precious stocks of oil and coal ran out.
My only brother and I, we did not doubt we would be happy here.

We were the chosen children of chosen parents.
Near the low-gravity hub of the wheel,
The sapphire swimming pool was our perpetual delight.
Diving, we fell slowly, light as winged seeds.
Performing effortlessly aerial acrobatics
No Earth-bound Olympic Champion could ever rival.
From the bottom pushing off we dived upwards, exulting.
Emerging like dolphins, frisky as flying fish.

For a year or more we never wearied of our aquatic games
Then suddenly without apparent reason, we did grow weary
Each day the same hours of reflected sunlight the same temperature each night.
Each day not even a breeze. And worst of all, no sky, no clouds,
No beast, bird, butterfly. The same dull food each day -
Wheaten bread, maize porridge, fish, rice, vegetables, soya beans.

I began to hate my new friends, even my own brother.
We were always quarrelling.
I longed for my old friends, to play the games we played.
Talk about familiar things and happenings.

Longed, longed for my former life.

Exiled for ever, I can never return.

Each night now I dream I am home again.

Albert Rowe

From the poem above, here is my opinion:

I think, this poem is great because it explains about the situation living in space, also about a son who misses his Dad who went to the space - the chosen one... Then by the time goes past, the son began to changed and he missed his friends...

Impossible Things by Living in 2025

Hi all... I want to share to you all about the "Impossible Things Happened by Living in 2025"...
This is my school project from unit 11 of the textbook...

1. We probably wouldn't be able to do our jobs, because our jobs would be taken care by the robots...
2. I think there wouldn't be a lot of plants because of the global warming...
3. There wouldn't be a lot of plants because the Earth as changed drastically...
4. There wouldn't be any traditional things...
5. There wouldn't be any old-fashioned technology because all of them has changed by the new ones...
6. Probably there would be no more land transportation because all of them are changed into more practical ones - transportation by air...
7. Probably there would be no people who walks to go somewhere, they all uses transportation...
8. There would be no ordinary houses... All of them are big, tall, buildings...

The picture below is an example what the future could be like...

Picture is taken from www.google.co.id

Monday, May 17, 2010

16th May 2010

Hi guys...^^

This is my journal for today...

1st period was FLAG CEREMONY

2nd period and 3rd period was LITERATURE
-We learnt about Drama
-The differences between Play and Role Play
- Soliloquies

4th period was RELIGION
-We learnt about Holy Baptism...

5th and 6th period was SCIENCE
-Last Friday, we had a homework where we should put white flowers into a colour solution and we did... And it turned out to be that the flower changed colour...^^ so cool!!! hahahaha
-We also learnt about Transport in Living Things...

7th and 8th period was GEOGRAPHY
-We learnt about The Benefits of Natural Vegetation in Our Daily Lives...
-We did the project in a group...

9th period was private session; the teacher with the students...
-In that period, we usually hear the announcements...
-But today, there was an additional english lesson... So we learnt about Conditional If Type 1, 2, and 3...

After I got back from school, I went home and had lunch there... Then I went to TBI to have my private lesson...
Then I went home and studied for the next day at school...^^

Saturday, May 15, 2010

15 May 2010

I just stayed at home...
I watched some movies and read a novel...
Other than that, I went to the church because I had to practice something there...

I had fun today... ^^

Friday, May 14, 2010

14th May 2010

Hi you guys...!!!

What did I do today:
I went to school...

1st and 2nd period: ENGLISH
At English lesson... We had a quiz... At the quiz... we must write a summary from the story given...

3rd and 4th period: MATHEMATICS
We learnt about Data Handling

5th and 6th period: HISTORY
We had a test about Ancient China, India, and Southeast Asia Hierarchies...

7th period: ART
Today, it was special... Why?
Because, usually, art has to be 2 periods... but today... it was just one...
We continued our project...

8th period: B.INDONESIA
We had a test...

9th and 10th period: SCIENCE
In science lesson today, we do an experiment about seeing xylem and phloem vessels in Chinese White Cabbage...

Then later on that day... I had a private lesson...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Thank you Mom, for all you have done for me...
and I am sorry if I have done many horrible things that hurt you...
I will try to be a better person...

Thank you...


Thursday, May 6, 2010

What did I do today at school...

Today, I went to school as usual...

1st and 2nd period was Literature...
And the funniest thing happened today...
Today, we did our role play in front of the teacher and being recorded...
Why was it funny??? Because my friend's group was hilarious, they acted really good and they could make other people laugh... It was really fun...^^

3rd and 4th period was Indonesian...
At the lesson, held a test... And it was hard... huhuhu :(

5th and 6th period was Science...
We still learning about Transport in Living Things...
Today, we learnt about blood types and about donating blood...

7th and 8th period was Math...
We learnt about Volumes and Surface Areas of Solids...

9th period was Mandarin...
We just review about the last exercise we had...

10th period was Religion...
Finally, I've done my practical examination...
And thank GOD, I wasn't nervous at all... hehehehe^^

After school, we should have English Club, but today there was no lesson...
So, we just played at school until 3 o'clock... hahahaha^^

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Today's Journal

Hi y'all...!! :)
How you all do'in??? I hope y'all are okay... :)

Hmm.. What did I do today??
Okay, let me tell you...

At school... :
1. English: we had a quiz about reported speech... ^^

2. PE: there were some practical examination and we played basketball... ^^

3. Geography: we learnt about natural reserves... ^^

4. Indonesian: we learnt how to make a poem into prose... ^^

5. Computer: we learnt more about ThinkQuest... ^^

After those lessons, we had to go home, but there was an additional class, religion that is...
Well, it was not actually a lesson, but it was practical examination... hehehehe

-I will get my turn to present the powerpoint on Thursday...-

Later on that day, I had piano course... ^^

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mp3Raid music code

Mp3Raid music code

My Favourite Artists...

Girls Generation











3th May 2010

Hmm... May... :)

Hi again!!!

As usual, today I went to school...
And what I did... Not much different than the others... :D

1st period: WK time...

2nd and 3rd period: literature... Hmm...
we learnt about drama... :)

4th period: Religion...
Hhhhh... continuing the Practical examination...
fffiiuuuhh... I hadn't got the chance to presentate... hahahaha

5th and 6th period: SCIENCE...
We learnt about Transport in Living Things...
About blood and so on... :)

7th and 8th period: MATH
It was held a quiz... :)

9th period: definitely nothing to do...
Hahahaha,.. the school ended early... :)