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Monday, February 28, 2011

Super Junior

I love Super Junior. I think they are great... I love their songs, their music videos... ^^

This is the Super Junior...
Cool, right? Haha

This is Super Junior M, one of the sub-groups of Super Junior...
Their music is really nice and there are no songs from this sub-group that I don't like... :)

This is a picture of Donghae, my favourite member from Super Junior... ^^
Cute, huh? :)

Yeay! QTs are all done!

It has been a busy week...
This week and the last week was the week of quarter tests...
Although the pressure isn't as big as mid-tests or final tests, but there is still pressure...
I'm so glad that I have finished them all, and hopefully, I get good marks... :)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Day Off

I have announced that this week is soooo tiring...
But what a relief! I only have one homework for tomorrow!
It's good that I finally have my day off from quizzes and homework... haha

Well, who doesn't need a day off?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


It sure does a busy week at my school.
This week there are more than 3 quizzes and there are many homework.
I'm tired, but who doesn't with that pile of homework? But I learn to enjoy them... :D

Even though my days at BPK are extremely busy, I still have fun...
My days are filled with laughter and fun chattering...

Many homework and quizzes usually result in stress and boredom but not me, because of my friends, I rarely feel bored. ^^